Here we go, my WWII Soviets, ready for battle. Well, not quite, still working on some stuff, but close enough that I figured I'd show what I have done. And it's kinda crappy showing these, as other people did almost all the work on these, I just added some details, cleaned some things up, or added in the odd figure/stand. The vast majority of this stuff came from a gentleman on TMP who sold his collection at a very reasonable price, which was part of what drove me to make the jump from 10mm into 15mm. You know, one of those, 'man, that's such a great deal, how could I pass it up? Sure, I don't really do 15mm, but damn... Yeah, gotta do it.' No damned discipline...
As with most of the rest of the forces I've displayed this past week, the Soviets are set up along the lines of a Rapid Fire table of organization, but I've (hopefully) built enough flexibility into it that I can do other stuff. One thing is for sure, I need more Soviet riflemen! ;)

The whole mess, basically built to take me from Barbarossa to Berlin, with vehicles and support at left, infantry at right. Kindly ignore the infantry with snow basing, they're not quite ready for showtime; work continues, and I'll post pics of them once they're completed.
Here's my Soviet infantry, basically a three-battalion regiment (the top three rows), plus a Sub-Machine Gun (SMG) battalion (fourth row down, the ones that are based in a lighter brown). Almost all of these were painted by someone else.
I've also got some Soviet Pioneers with flamethrowers (the four stands at top), along with some extra 50mm mortars, Anti-Tank Rifles (ATRs), and Maxim machine gun (MG) stands.
Eh, how 'bout a quick peek at the winter Soviets that are finished? Moving on.
The Red horde.
So let's start with some command, the Soviet Regimental commander (left) and a Forward Observer stand (right). I painted the CO, the FO was painted by Gajo Minis.
Look at that dashing Soviet commander! "Keep pushing, or I'll have you shot! Your casualties are not my problem, comrade!"
Another look, love the radio operator sitting on a crate (of vodka, I'm sure).
The FO stand.
A Soviet rifle battalion, as per Rapid Fire OOBs.
Well, sorta, mostly. I can't help but build in commanders (left) and Commissars (right) at the battalion level. These were painted and based by the dude from TMP.
A 76mm Field Gun and Maxim MG. The dude from TMP did the MG, I did the M1927s.
Each battalion has a 120mm (left) and an 82mm (right) mortar. These were painted by Gajo Minis and based by me.
An ATR (left) and a 50mm mortar (right), painted by the TMP dude. The Battlefront plastic figures are nice, but I like the character of the metals better, and one of the problems with the plastics in the Soviets is quite of the few ATRs are bent all over the place, looking like tubas or something...
Each battalion has six rifle stands, representing three 8-figure rifle companies. These were all done by the TMP dude.
A closeup. Very nice paintjobs and basing.
A look at my SMG battalion, which has nothing but SMGs and a commander, no machine guns, mortars, or guns. I bought these painted and based by a gentleman in St Petersburg, Russia. They look very nice and are, if nothing else, authentic ;)
A close up. I'm undecided on whether I leave the basing alone (I think it looks great), or try to re-do it to match the rest of the force.
Once more.
And their commander.
A hell, one more, why not?
The Soviet flamethrower teams, done up by the dude from TMP.
A closeup.
Hey, there's a guy I painted (rifleman at center). I had to re-base some of the stuff, and when I did I didn't have enough figures from the TMP dude, so I had to paint some guys to fill in the rest of the bases.
And another guy I painted (the kneeling SMG gunner). Sorry I keep pointing that out...
And look at these damn things, absolutely beautiful! Two Il-2 Sturmoviks, painted by the TMP dude.
A closer look. Pure awesomeness.
And one more.
Some trucks I bought off the Russian guy.
Two 37mm Bofors AA guns, from the Russian dude.
A closeup of one of the guns.
Four 76.2mm 'Crash Booms,' painted by the TMP dude. You'll notice I'm missing the (also) iconic 45mm Soviet ATGs; I've got four sitting in a box, waiting to be finished.
Actually, looking at the barrels, these might be Zis-2 57mm guns, not Zis-3 76mm guns…
A closeup.
And one more. Very pretty.
Now check these out, two 12mm howitzers from the Russian dude, and look at that basing! Crazy!
The first gun and crew, very nice, but pretty conventional.
And the other gun/crew. Look at that cat sitting atop the giant stump (or is it a rock?), checking the fall of shot. I love it!
Then we get to Stalin's Organs, the dreaded Katyushas, painted up by the TMP dude.
A closer look.
And one more.
Some BA-64 armored cars. I bought these off Ebay, just pulled them off their bases and added decals.
A closeup.
Another Ebay purchase, some BA-10 armored cars. Since my Soviets are so full of revolutionary fervor, I again added decals. A common theme ;) I hope I didn't overdo them, but I like it.
A closeup.
Another Ebay purchase, seven T-26 obr. 1939 models. They were actually painted up as Finnish, so I repainted and put decals on them.
Another look.
And one more.
Some BT-5s, which I actually purchased and painted myself! You can see I painted them before I figured out the whole 'muddy the tracks and dry-brush the hell out of them' thing...
A closeup.
And how about a whopping ten T-70s? These were painted up by the TMP dude.
A closeup. I will no doubt be using these as early war T-60s, too.
And if you thought 10 T-70s was a lot, wait until you see my 15 T-34/76s! That's a lot of T-34s... Painted by the TMP dude.
Some closeups.
Very nicely painted. The one thing that surprises me about all the vehicles (minus the Sturmoviks) is that the guy didn't put decals on them.
Another look.
And one more.
And fifteen T-34s is a lot, but somehow eight KV-1s seems like even more ;) I'm not sure what kind of game I'd be playing to get 15 T-34s on the table, much less eight KV-1s. I guess some 1:1 Kursk game, but then I wouldn't be happy doing that in 15mm I think, not even if I was using my full 8' x 6' table.
Coming straight at ya; tell me that doesn't make you think about wetting your pants ;)
Really nice looking.
And reverse.
I bought this group of Su-76s on Ebay. They're plastic, but I'm not sure of the manufacter; my guess is Plastic Soldier Company. Very nice, just a bit lighter green than the rest of my Soviets and, more irksome, no humans visible in them!
A closeup.
I bought these Su-122s off Ebay, didn't have to do anything but repair some scratched up metal.
Another look.
And once more.
And if you've got Su-122s, ya gotta have ISU-122s. I guess ;) These were painted by the TMP dude.
A closer look.
And one more.
And that brings us to the last vehicles, a pair of of Su-152s, just massive beasts, painted by the TMP dude.
A close up.
And one more look.
And I found this gem at Nobleknight games, already painted, for $10!!! A total steal!
And a quick update on the Japanese: they're painted (well, except the four casualty stands, top right), just have to sand them, paint the bases, inkwash the bases, apply static grass, mark the units, and matte spray them. Almost there!
So, there are my Soviets, with more stuff being worked on. I'm very happy with them, and I hope you guys like them. I am absolutely dying to get back to Kampfgruppe Klink to get Operation Barbarossa started, but still have several other projects ahead of them. Yeah, I guess I've got too many projects I'm absolutely dying to get to...
So, let me know what you think, and my apologies, a smarter man would have spread these out over a more reasonable amount of time, one or maybe two posts per week, but I'm not a smarter man ;) I didn't mean to spam you guys with all this stuff, but I've recently completed a lot of this stuff and wanted to get it all out as quickly as possible, and move on to some other stuff. Yeah John, I was eyeing my box of unpainted 10mm Napoleonics ;)
Good stuff. Your Soviet infantry force is almost identical to mine, three rifle and one SMG battalion.
ReplyDeleteAs fir the horde of T34s... some of the Eastern Front skirmish campaigns books have full companies (of ten T34s) in 1;1 skirmish games. For Rapid Fire you'd need at least twelve of them to field a tank brigade (three battalions of two companies of two models each) plus an HQ, so you've got a sensible number.
Thanks Martin, and I stand in good stead then ;) But a whole brigade on the table, eh? Certainly have risen in echelon ;)
An amazing range of WW2 forces you have posted over the last week or so. I am very envious.
ReplyDeleteYou have nothing to be envious of, you're 6mm forces are beautiful. I'm still not sure what the heck I'm doing ;)
An outstanding collection Jack...and those Sturmoviks are very cool!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jim, and I agree, they are very well done.
Splendid looking Russian forces……👍😀
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt!
RTO from the pic: "sir, the Colonel has instructed me to inform you that you have no right to request support of any kind."
ReplyDeleteWOW you saved the best for last. Bravo Jack! Beautiful collection and awesome figs. Dont rebase those summer Soviets, either. They look awesome.
And those tanks!!!!
Love the IL-2, also.
That's hilarious! And too true, he's got everything he needs. But that's not true, I've still got some White Scout Cars, some motorcycle recce, some 45mm ATGs, some Su-85s, T-34/85s, Stuarts, Grants, and Valentines to finish up and post ;) Won't be anytime soon, though. And need more infantry so I can try and keep up with you!
Funny you should say that because I'm up to my old bad habits of planning irresponsibly large games :) watch my blog around July 4th ;) theres a chance you'll see "all" my sov's on the table
DeleteOld habits die hard, if they should die at all ;)
DeleteLooking forward to it man! As I've said before, that Firestorm campaign you let me take part in with your group was one of the coolest wargaming things I've ever done.
In any case, good luck with the big game, can't wait for the batrep(s?).
Wow, an outstanding collection. Great stuff.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Andy
Thanks Andy!
So. much. stuff. And still not a game in sight, or even some serious planning for one :-) "Oh maybe this, or maybe continue this. Or I don't know. Gig battles but not sure how big. Hmm. RFR, maybe not."
Oooh, saucy, Mr. Travers. Talkin' trash, feeling his oats. Someone must have played a couple games this past weekend ;)
DeleteAnd who said no serious planning is occurring? Enjoy your advantage whilst you have it, Sir. Tis true I'm currently suffering a certain amount of paralysis by analysis, but I'm presently concocting a remedy and I'll soon be turning out games at the cyclic rate!
Hope all is well, and hurry up and post some batreps!
I did not play a game but did get to near the end of writing one up and setting another up to play, so close. wait, Fistful of Lead...modified.. :-)
I can talk - I think and tinker endlessly with RFR to see if it will work with 3 figures to represent a section. Or should I have a battalion (in RFR terms) simply be a platoon? And what about shooting ranges? And maybe I should just go back to my own rules...Or maybe Take Cover, the Rapid Fire clone I loved. All this does mean I am getting closer to getting the 20mm figures out on the table!
And I can talk - you will end up playing more WW2 games with these figures over the next 12 months than I have ever played in my life!
Ha! So trash talking with nothing to back it up, eh? How very Aussie of you! ;)
DeleteI'm really leaning towards Fistful of Lead, with each 'figure' representing a company of three bases, so 9 'figures' would be a regiment/brigade. And I'm with you on the shooting ranges, that's always a key aspect to work out in all these tinkerings... And no problem, right, that's part of the fun of being a wargamer anyway ;)
" will end up playing more WW2 games with these figures over the next 12 months than I have ever played in my life!"
I don't know about that, but I do have a habit of reeling off 25-50 games at a time lately, don't I? ;)
But I'll let ya in on another secret: part of my inability to jump back into playing games is that I've been painting for so long that I'm kinda just enjoying it too much and want to keep doing it, and I certainly have no shortage of projects waiting for some treatment.
I've got British Paras (two sets, one for NW Europe and one for North Africa/Sicily/Italy), some Aussies for North Africa, some Indians for North Africa, and a whole bunch more Soviet vehicles that are just begging for some loving. Quite a bit of that is already painted and I just need to finish their basing, plus a few extras (the Brit NW Europe paras need basing, MGs, mortars, and pack howitzers, the Aussies just need their basing finished, the Indians need basing plus mortars and ATGs).
Oh, and I haven't bought any ye, but I'm really, really, wanting to buy some 18mm Blue Moon Old West figures, for some inexplicable reason...
But I need to get playing, specifically play-testing to see what I'm going to settle on and get them figured out, and I want to get my boys involved. I need a good 3-4 game mini-campaign, either Normandy, Market Garden, or mid-war Eastern Front, maybe even a US vs Germans in Tunisia, to get things kickstarted. Any recommendations?
Just keep painting then. I did wonder what you were doing while posting up the last set of battreps as you had played them all months and months ago and were then posting them up as you found time to write them. As you say, there are lots of facets to the hobby and if you have the urge to paint you should before it disappears :-) But of course in 12 months time you will find a completely different project you have to acquire figures and terrain for!
Delete"...some Aussies for North Africa..." See now you are on my wavelength. I started thinking of doing some of this 30 years ago but all I have to show is a Matilda and a pack or two of unpainted Airfix figures (yes, still around somewhere).
I cannot really help you with a 3-4 campaign as I am not that familiar with wat is out there. The Skirmish books sometimes had (I think) 3-4 game mini-campaigns in them. Otherwise I am only familiar with a few of the Bretton Publisging ones - did not ones like Operation Jupiter have a few 3-4 linked campaigns in them? Oh, I also have a few of the Robert Avery IABSM campaign books that could work (Vyama or Bust on the Eastern Front, Blenneville or Bust for the Western). Vyama was fun but have not played any on the Western Front. But maybe most of these games may be too small for you?
Yeah, it kind of works out for me to play a bunch of games in a quick frenzy of madness, then post them over the next three to five months while painting. I haven't played an actual game since January... And yes, definitely taking advantage of the paint bug while it's here. Hell, I still have batreps from Operation Chunky Bandit that I need to post (over on Cuba Libre)!
DeleteYeah, I'm dying to jump into North Africa, but I keep getting put off finishing up my painting and basing by cool new projects... Dude, how about you get off your butt and show me the way! And it goes without saying that I had Airfix Desert Rats and Afrika Korps figures (1/72) as a kid ;) No tanks though... I do recall being about ten years old and spending a summer with my grandparents in Ohio; they took me to a hobby shop and gave me a little money. This was the first time I saw GHQ Micro-Armor; I had been reading a book on North Africa and so with enough money for four packs I bought some Shermans, some M-3 Bradleys (they didn't have any Panzer IIIs or IVs, so I bought the Bradleys and pretended they were Panzer IIIs!), some sort of anti-tank guns (which became PaK-38s or 6-pdrs, as needed), and some US infantry (it was all they had, and it was the old squad blocks of troops, not the individual troops like they have now). I spent the whole summer swimming during the day and scrunching up a blanket and playing out North Africa in the evening!
Regarding the mini-campaign, I'm looking, and yeah, I'm into those same sources. I may have found something in some of the old TFL Specials, we'll see. And yes, they're kind of small, but I suppose I could just make each 'figure' a platoon of three sections/teams/vehicles.
Thanks man.
Superb force. A top acquistition. You 'lack of discipline' paid huge dividends!
ReplyDeleteRegards, James
DeleteThank you Sir! But I must disagree: it hasn't paid dividends until I actually get them on the table! ;) On a side note, I've got more almost finished...